
The Four Frames of an Organization

ShineWithMe 2008. 9. 10. 21:14


문제 2 (해석). 조직들의 네 개의 프레임(four frames of organizations)을 당신과 친숙한 IT프로젝트에 적용해 보라. 만약 좋은 IT프로젝트가 생각나지 않는다면, 이 프레임워크를 적용하기 위해 어느 대학에 갈 것인지 결정하던 개인적 경험을 사용하라. 어떤 프레임이 가장 중요하며 왜 그런가? 예를 들어, 커리큘럼과  프로그램(강좌)의 구성 때문에 우선적으로 어느 대학에 갈지 결정했는가? 당신의 친구들을 따라 갔는가? 당신의 결정에 부모님이 많은 영향을 미쳤는가? 캠퍼스 문화를 좋아했는가?

문제 4 (해석).
조직적 이슈 때문에 발생한 문제를 가지고 있는 IT프로젝트의 예를 웹이나 IT잡지에서 찾아보라. 누가 프로젝트의 핵심관계자들인지 그들이 어떻게 결과에 영향을 받는지 1~2page로 요약하라.



Organizations frame

1. Structural frame
역할, 책임, 조정, 통제

2. Human resources frame
조직의 니즈와 사람(개인)의 니즈사이의 화합

3. Political frame
다양화된 개인과 관심 그룹들로 구성된 연합, 조직을 추측한다.
충돌과 힘이 중요 이슈

4. Symbolic frame
사건과 연관된 뜻과 상징에 초점
culture is important

The Four Frames of an Organization

Organizational issues are often the most difficult part of managing projects. Taking the time to analyze an organization can help identify, understand, and solve potential problems. All organizations consist of four different frames: structural, human resources, political, and symbolic. Each of these frames describes a particular way of looking at organizations and how they function. For example, it can be used to identify the project stakeholders to help meet their needs and expectations or simply can be used to decide which college to attend.

All organizational frames are important for a project success. The structural frame can help understand an organization structure and roles and responsibilities of different groups to meet the goal and policies set by top managers. The organizational structure influences the authority of the project manager and therefore affects the ability to manage project. For example, I was involved in an information technology project at company XYZ. They have decided to implement an instant messaging system called IMS to send emergency notification electronically to all the stores. The key issue with this IMS project related to structure frame is the transition from functional structure to project structure due to some unknown political issue. This transition gave the project manager more control over the project. However, it also resulted in failure of the project due to project manager’s insufficient knowledge of the organization. The project manager was a contractor, new to the organization and therefore did not have much understanding of the organization structure nor culture to identify and understand the different needs of all stakeholders of the project. In addition, the time constraint imposed on the project also limited his view of key stakeholders of IMS project.

The human resources frame focuses on producing harmony between...이하 유료 ㅡㅡ;


A word about leadership ...

  • Leadership is situational
    • a good match between leader traits/style and organizational culture & circumstances
    • although leaders have particular traits and “default” styles, a key leadership effectiveness skill is adaptability
  • Definition: a leader is someone people will follow in a given situation (Dayton & Engstrom, among others)

Frames represent

  • Four schools of organizational & management research & theory
    • different analytical “lenses” through which to understand and address organizational dynamics
    • how organizational tasks, challenges, problems are viewed
    • the medium of discourse through which to address a situation and work toward understanding and solutions
    • the perceived nature & range of appropriate solutions

The Four Frames

  • Structural
  • Human Resource
  • Political
  • Symbolic

Structural Frame

Image = Complex Machine

  • Organizational Perspective:
    • exists to attain goals
    • structure to optimize fit among environment, technology & participants
    • environmental turbulence & personal preferences constrained by norms
  • Problems
    • assessment = inappropriate structure
    • “fix” =  redesign & restructuring

Human Resource Frame

Image = Extended Family

  • Organizational Perspective:
    • exist to serve member needs
    • poor fit between individual & organization signals exploitation of individual or org.
    • mutual benefit from good “fit”
  • Problems
    • assessment = strain/dysfunction in “the family”
    • “fix” = training and/or organizational development

Political Frame

Image = Jungle

  • Organizational Perspective:
    • decisions involve allocation of scarce resources
    • competing values, perceptions of reality
    • success achieved through coalitions, bargaining, negotiation, jockeying 
    • power & conflict are “facts of life”
  • Problems
    • assessment = conflict requires coalition, power
    • “fix” =  build a power base or exercise power

Symbolic Frame

Image = Theater, Temple

  • Organizational Perspective:
    • activities, events loaded with meaning
    • myths, stories, rituals, metaphors serve to provide sense of direction, increase clarity, resolve confusion
  • Problems
    • assessment = creating & sustaining meaning through rituals & symbols
    • “fix” = recognize the importance of perceived meaning; change the picture w/o smashing the symbol

Frame Combinations

  • ST + HR = systems person with a heart
  • HR + SY = organizational “teddy bear”
  • PO + SY = demagogue, champion
  • SY + ST = strong-willed manager
  • ST + PO = systems with a punch! 

So what?

  • Value or appropriateness of frames is only significant in terms of correspondence to setting
  • Frames are about how people work with each other
  • Leaders generally have a “default” and secondary frame
  • Effective leaders develop capacity to perceive and communicate within the frame most appropriate to the organizational culture and circumstances
  • Successfully understanding and resolving problems occurs when the “fix frame” matches the “problem frame”

Let’s try this out …

  • Case #1
    • pastor proposes eliminating mid-week service
    • pastor = structural/human resources
    • church members = symbolic political
  • Case #2
    • organizational budget meeting
    • leader = structural, symbolic
  • >members = political 
  • Case #3 -- underperforming colleague
    • leader = human relations, symbolic
    • colleagues = structural, political
  • Case #4 -- students dissatisfied with teacher
    • student A = human relations
    • student B = structural
    • student C = political

The Four Frames

  • Bolman & Deal. (1991).  Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership.  San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.